For a very important reason, he must sell the team to the owner of Tar heels.
For a very important reason, he must sell the team to the owner of Tar heels.
My first year of college was when I started working at The Daily Tar Heel. I had given up on having a regular college experience because of COVID, and I was thinking of ways to stay involved on a campus I had hardly visited.
The “clusterfuck” coverage of fall 2020 introduced me to The Daily Tar Heel, so I thought that would be an excellent place to start. Even though the newsroom was quite atomized at the time, I was immediately drawn in by the editors’ friendship.
I worked at the Design desk for the remainder of the year without ever going into the office, but I was proud to be able to say that I was a part of the printing process that occurs every week. I used every assignment as a chance to show my editors how good I was, and at the end of the year, Praveena Somasundaram, the editor-in-chief to be, urged me to apply for her staff’s design editor post.
After serving as the Design Editor for two years, I’m about to wrap out my last year in this capacity as the multimedia managing editor. There are too many memories I have of our newsroom to fully capture in this essay, but one in particular perfectly captures what makes working at The Daily Tar Heel so unique.
My mother received a breast cancer diagnosis in the fall of 2021. I was devastated to hear the news, which happened midway through my sophomore year. In my own right, I was finding it difficult to stabilize my academic life after the pandemic, and my mother’s diagnosis felt like the ultimate blow to my last thread of normalcy. Things in my life kept getting worse spiral, and I felt dejected at the start of the second semester.
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