June 29, 2024
  1. Unbelievable, I’m shocked to learn that a 33 years old professional player of the bills is going to resign because of an injury that almost….


professional football careers are brittle and, for those who are lucky enough to land one, can change drastically or even come to an abrupt stop in the blink of an eye. all athletes are aware that their professional careers have a finite amount of time, therefore it is tragic when events or circumstances beyond their control, like an illness or injury, further shorten that time. few people are more aware of this than former buffalo bills safety micah hyde, a free agent who is currently considering his options as a professional and trying to figure out what his family’s best course of action is.

since signing a contract with buffalo in the 2017 offseason, hyde has been a mainstay on the team, starting 95 games during a seven-year tenure that saw him selected twice for the second team of the all-pro team. in addition to being a well-liked member of the team and the leader of the locker room, he has also developed into a local legend and is arguably one of the players most representative of the bills’ recent return to prominence in the nfl.

the 33-year-old is still unsure about whether he will build on his legacy or call it a day on his extraordinarily successful 11-year career. over the previous two seasons, he has struggled with serious neck problems. in the 2022 season, during a week 2 victory over the tennessee titans, he sustained a season-ending injury that necessitated surgery. he made a comeback in the 2023 season, but he missed three games due to a series of stingers during the season.


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