Due to an incident,key player of the oilers have decided to terminate his contract due to.
Due to an incident,key player of the oilers have decided to terminate his contract due to.
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Although it can be risky to play the bad cop and offend a leadership group these days, there was no need to snap the team to attention when it was needed.
However, more of the blame lies with a blah dressing room and a blah management team. A big portion of the issue is that Holland gave this team terrible goaltending.
Edmonton’s.864 save percentage is the lowest in the league. Nothing else is going to change until that does. It remains to be seen if action is to be taken or if fingers are to be crossed in the hopes that Stuart Skinner recovers greatly.
They are also hindered by having a roster that is so constrained by the salary cap that they are forced to play with two players less than full strength the entire season, which makes it very difficult to weather injuries or bench players to send messages. While all organizations are operating close to capacity, not all of them are engulfed in the largest choke job in franchise history.
It is absurd to suggest that coaching is the issue when no Edmonton Oilers coach since Craig MacTavish in 2009 has lasted longer than three and a half seasons.
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