A Sad News; Due to a family matter, a warrior vital player has been suspended.
Sad news: Due to a family matter, a vital warrior player has been suspended.
Curry was one of the starting players for the Warriors, who rested in the final minutes as Boston won 116-100.
He scored 31 points to lead the Warriors before getting trapped in a huddle of players, trying to recover a loose ball, and injuring his foot.
He hadn’t sought any medical imaging tests on the injury because he felt it was similar to the foot sprain he had in March.
“I know exactly what it is, what I have to deal with, the soreness and pain level, and all that because I went through what I went through in the regular season before coming back,” Curry remarked.
“We’ve been through this before, so once I got checked out last night, I knew I wouldn’t have to go get any extra tests.”
Curry reported that his current course of treatment consists of “a couple dunks in the ice bucket, and about ten and a half hours of sleep.”
Curry claimed he immediately realized the injury was not as bad as his previous one.
You can sort of tell after taking a few steps whether you can run normally, cut normally, or not. I couldn’t back then,” he remarked. “Yesterday I managed to. That made me feel a little more confident that it wasn’t as horrible.
Tomorrow, we’ll see how it feels. Although I’m sure I’ll play, we’ll have to wait and see how it handles that kind of blow.