What Is The Pop-Tarts Mascot Up To? Not humorous, I do not think they will succeed in their goal.
What Is The Pop-Tarts Mascot Up To? Not humorous, I do not think they will succeed in their goal.
We need to stop and consider what we are doing sometimes. Perhaps now is the moment for that. Perhaps not. I am not sure I understand all that is going on. I know this is football and there is a fake toaster involved—at least I hope it is.
The Pop-Tarts Bowl saw the Kansas State Wildcats defeat the NC State Wolfpack, with the Wildcats emerging victorious. Well done, everyone. It is not about them in this. Because of the actual chaotic disaster that ensued, the game was not about the football itself. We got to watch a mascot having the time of his life in celebration of Pop-Tarts sponsorship.
A person dressed as a Pop Tart emerged out a toaster at this event, holding up a banner with a heart on it that said, “Dreams really do come true.” If it were not completely insane considering what happens to the Pop Tart mascot when it goes in the toaster, all of it would be wonderful and terrific.
The guests who are ready to consume it below appear to have this unique Pop Tart’s desire of being devoured alive. Why is that dreaming? I am not exactly certain. What is this related to the football match? I am not sure why, but this has captured the attention of everyone who saw it online as we all attempt to understand what in the world is happening.
This is the world we live in, when the ultimate purpose of our football mascots is to tear each other limb from limb for our amusement (and evidently theirs as well). Why? merely because this mascot genuinely enjoys college football, and that is undoubtedly a decision.
His goal of simply attending a game to demonstrate his love of sports was the focus of the Pop Tart character. And for our entertainment, we watched as he let customers to consume him. That we find humor in his demise is a tribute to our sensitive nature.
We are all laughing at the Pop Tart’s demise and his self-imposed sacrifice.
His devotion to his trade is demonstrated by the fact that he watched as he gave himself up and was devoured alive for the sake of American materialism. The Pop-Tart mascot, our hero, knew exactly what he was meant to do. From the beginning of his brief existence on Earth, it was his dream.
“Dreams truly do come true,” he declared with pride as he raised his sign and went down to die at the hands of football fans. At our request, he made a sacrifice that will go down in history. We will continue to extol him for years to come.
That when the Pop-Tarts mascot let himself to be devoured at a football game, so that we could all laugh and go on and make jokes on the internet, may our kids remember what it means to let our icons die.